COVID-19 pandemic response

petak, 15. maj 2020.

Andrej Andrejevic

RC Tuzla continue to support local communities to overcome COVID-19 pandemic. It was decided to donate tablets to children in SOS Kinderdof - Childrens willage Gracanica in order to enable all students to follow online school lessons. Project was developed in cooperation with RC Graz Neutor.

At June 3rd 2020 delegation from RC Tuzla handed over donation to management of  SOS Kinderdorf. Both sides express their interest for future support for students attempting to continue higher education.


As part of the club's activities aimed at providing assistance to all those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Rotary Club Tuzla in cooperation with RC Graz Neutor from Austria and the great support of the president of the club RC Graz Neutor Doc.Dr. Fritz Byloff, decided to enable regular monitoring of online classes for children in the SOS Children's Village Gracanica.

On behalf of RC Tuzla, the donation was handed over by Mr. Mario Zovko , Assistant Governor of BiH and Mr. Andrej Andrejevic, Secretary of RC Tuzla. The club donated 21 tablets and 1 lapt op to the protégés of SOS Kinderdorf - Children's Village Gracanica. On behalf of SOS Kinderdorf - Children's Village Gracanica, the donation was received by Mr. Almir Zulic, Director of the SOS Children's Village Gracanica Program. During the tour of the village, communications were opened on future modalities of cooperation between SOS Kinderdorf and RC Tuzla.  



Donation of 21 tablets to SOS Kinderdorf Gracanica , BiH.


1000 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Elementarbildung
Projekttyp: Regional
Projektart: Clubprojekt (ohne TRF Förderung)
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Gracanica
Projektzeitraum: 15.05.2020 - 03.06.2020
Kontaktperson: Andrej Andrejevic

Partnerski klubovi

Internationaler Partner
Club: RC Graz Neutor
Distrikt: 1910